Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above and Beyond

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Here I am really wanting to post something, anything really, preferably something brilliant.  I am stuck, oh I have lots of thoughts and ideas in my head swirling around trying to get out, but there's some sort of writers block when I actually sit down.  Maybe if I just sit and ramble maybe they will work themselves out.
I've always loved this blog.  I know I've hardly used it, but I love the name of it.  It's named after a favorite verse of mine.  Back when I named this blog I had so many hopes and dreams.  Never dreaming that God could use me and grow me like he has.  Back then I only had my two beautiful little girls, now we've added two more beautiful children to the mix.  Oh it's busy, but it's a happy busy.  We've moved twice since then, in the same town.  I've ended up in my dream house.  I love it here, so many unique things about this house, so much personality.  What if God decided to take it away?  I've asked that question many times the past couple months.  I would be sad, but I know God has different plans for me maybe even better ones.  In a way that is so exciting but it's terrifying as well, not knowing what our future may hold.
In the fall we plan to homeschool our second child, K Bug.  She's been struggling ever since kindergarten, we thought of doing it last year but we decided to see what would happen in one more year.  She struggles but she's still got the drive and I don't want her to lose that.  She's a smart cookie whose just not being taught the way she learns best.  I was homeschooled, I know that world.  It's different being on this side of it.  I hope I don't ruin her as a person, I hope I don't ruin our relationship, I hope I can teach her the way she learns best.  I'm terrified.  I know this is the next step God wants us to go concerning her.  I know he has my back and all I need to do is lean on Him.  Another reason why we want to homeschool is that we have dreams of travelling more, with kids in school that is really tough to do.  I want to go places and learn about those countries while I am there.  How amazing would that be!
Ephesians 3:20

Friday, September 26, 2014

Where Life's At

It's been quite a few years since I've written on my tiny blog.  In those years I never forgot about it.  Since then so many things have changed, so many joys and trials have happened.  We've added to our little family, well it's not so little anymore.  A boy, Talis and a little girl, Maiara.  Senaye and Kadeja are growing up quickly, I look at them and wonder where the time has gone.  They are now 9 and 7 and going to a French catholic school.  I love that they are learning another language.  Doesn't matter to me if they use it later on in life, at least they were given that opportunity to learn it.  Talis is going on 4 here in another month, he keeps asking when his birthday will be.  He so excited!  Then there is miss Maiara, so much life in that one.  She's 2 and already has so many opinions on the things of this world.  We've moved a couple times since writing my last post.  All in the same little town/city.  You probably wonder why so many times in one area.  We needed to move from our little townhouse to a bigger place since Maiara decided to bless us a little sooner then we planned.  Then the place we are now in is my dream house.  Nothing big, nothing fancy, the perfect little cottage.  Just right for our family to make our memories.

I hope to continue on with this blog, not only to inform loved ones of what's happenings in our life in more detail, but also to share what's going on in my head.  Revelations and questions that swirl around my brain and need to go somewhere.  Now I am off to figure this blog thing out all over again.  So many changes since the last time I stopped by.
Here's to next time.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Well, I'm back, pretty good, huh? Been busy, busy. I had the family start this new health diet thing. Even though you can lose weight with it (which we don't need to do) you also can be pain free eating the way they say. the way they say to do this is is by combining the gith foods together. So you can have non starch veggies with foods with starch OR with meat/dairy, but you can have a starch food with meat/dairy. Little different thinking but we are going to try it. Senaye suffers from acid reflux and migraines so if we can control her pain by this without her having to be on medication than hallelujah! We started today. Had oatmeal for breakfast with maple syrup, well regular syrup since I couldn't get the newly bought maple syrup open. No milk no brown sugar nothing else. Kadie gulped it down, Senaye not so much. She's my picky eater, plus doesn't like change, I did warn her though.
Lunch was a different story. Last night I made hummus, no not humans, hummus. So many people love this appetizer and I was excited to try it. Not what I expected, actually I had no idea what to expect. I don't know if I made it wrong, but it was terribly bland. I added different spices, but it still didn't help. We didn't like it at all. Even Kadie who will eat anything gagged on it, kind of funny because I knew how she felt. Anyways never again with hummus. Tonight is chili, which I know the girls will gulp down. Have to make it a tad different, but not to much. I am looking forward to it, since I know it will taste good, tee hee!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I have been thinking of you my little blog, I haven't seen you in ages. Yet there is always a little nudging coming from somewhere to come visit, here you are waiting patiently for me to come back and chat. Yikes! That kind of reminds me of another situation I am in right now. Hm..... coincidence that it came to my head, I think not.

Anyways thought I would come by and chat a bit since I'm super frustrated right now with some crafting projects. Grrrrr..... don't you hate it when they say something is super easy, yet for some reason it isn't for you. Why is that? It should be easy this certain project, looks easy, lots of people do it, yet here I am still tackling over and over again. I know practice makes perfect, yet I am not a very patient person, at all. I guess for the next day or two I'll consentrate on what I am good at, get my confidence up and then come back and tackle it again. I really want to perfect this certain craft. I'm probably have your curiosity up as to what this craft is. I'll let you know, but not today.

I've been doing that a lot lately, crafting that is. I love to make things with my hands. I get a joy out of creating. Love it! Basically been making hair bows, clips, streamer etc for the girls. Super fun, and they love having there all prettied. I'll have to post some pick in the very near future and show off some of my creations. Plus I've been making leg warmers or baby legs as they are called by some with my sewing machine. Did I say I love to create? My next projects I would like to do is some simple shirred dresses, pillow case dresses, tutus, pettiskirts and last but not least sun hats. I know I have a lot to work on, right in time for summer. You'd think I would want to do this projects in the winter, but nope my creative juices seem to flow around this time of year. Ah well, doesn't matter when I do it as long as I enjoy it.

Hey big knew which you would think be the first thing I would say. I'm pregnant! I am now 17 weeks, looks like this one will stick around. I'm super excited, I love babies (my own babies), but I do hate being pregnant. Ah well. I hope for another girl, reasons being I love the name we have for a girl plus you get to make them and dress them in such cute things. Where boys its little bit harder in that area. If it is a boy I will be just as happy, Jer would like a boy to do boy things with. Again it if its the other he's okay with it. We love it just as much. Yeah, so I am due on October 27th. Hopefully it will be born by then or wait a week and come. I really don't want to have a baby around Halloween. Just my thoughts.

Anyways nice chatting with you, thanks for listening. I should go, I'm exhausted.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer Time Fun

Wow! I can't believe its August already. Where has the time gone? It feels like we haven't had summer yet with the exceedingly mild tempuratures. Like I've said many times before I don't know if I'm suppose to be living in this country, way to cold for me. I like it in the 20's especially when there is no wind. bliss!!!
Well since I've written last, life has gotten quite busy. I had my first ever yard sale. Which surprisingly was a lot of fun. Sold much of our stuff. I had stuff from when I was a child. I know I know pack rat. I am getting better though. We made a good dime from the yard sale. Ooo another thing, Jer was able to switch jobs, which we are so thankful to God for letting him do so. He was laid off from the last one and was given a new job within the week. Isn't God amazing?!?!?! Jer's also working at the Thorpe center. For those of you who don't know what that is, its basically an addictions recovery center. jer works there two days a month just hanging out with the people there and showing them that they can have fun without drugs, alchahol or gambling.
We also just came back from our first camping trip in two years. It was quite interesting, its was Kadie's first time. It was tough with her, trying to keep her busy. The trip was good, i know the girls had a good time, but it was exhausting for Jer and I. First there was a big storm that came upon us the second night and also we saw a bear that day. So we were a nervous wreck for a lot of it. We actually left a day early, because we were so tired. We will try again , when Kadie is older.
What we have left of summer will basically be relaxing and enjoying ourselves and having fun as a family.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life in June

Well, since I've just read up on my friends site, which I'm always inspired to continue with my blog after I read hers, here I am.  It's been extremely busy these past couple months, life being in a whirlwind of activity and change.
Jeremy has changed jobs, his other temporarily on hold.  He works at midwest communications as well as the Thorpe center.  We are getting by, living the life that God has given us and trying to appreciate the changes within it.  
We've also been busy with my Grandmothers funeral and having family over for several days.  Senaye finishing up with her preschool, which I find very relaxing now.  I'm not much for scheduled events in my week, it stresses me out.  Then June fell upon us suddenly and we were busy with Jeremy's brothers wedding, which was very beautiful but I didn't get any pictures of.  My hands were full with the little ones.  A week after the wedding I traveled with my family to Fairmont for a nice week long vacation.  We had a  lot of fun, we were sad that Jer wasn't able to join us.  The weekend after I got back I was back in Edmonton for a family reunion which I helped plan.  I just got back from that today.  Even though its been a good month, I'm glad its over and I hope to enjoy the rest of my summer a little quieter.
I'm in the middle of going though all our stuff for a garage sale our neighbors and us are having in a couple weeks.  Feels great getting rid of a lot of stuff, especially stuff from my child hood.  I'm a pack rat, so whatever I can give away, sell or throw away is a great achievement for myself.  Not much else to say, I'll try posting some pics and you can see what fun we've been having the last little bit.

Monday, May 4, 2009


You all probably have been wondering where I've been.  Probably thought I'd forgotten all about this blog, which I have or I just pushed to the side the last 7 or 8 months, wow has it been that long?  I'm still here, alive and kicking.  Life's had its ups and downs, mostly downs.  God has been really testing our faith here.  We are sure feeling it.  When I started this blog it was suppose to be about all the exciting things that were suppose to happen to us, alas all of those plans and dreams fell through, for now.  I guess thats why I haven't been writing is because it was kind of depressing coming back to something that was suppose to be one thing and it didn't turn out that way.  Life's been tough, not wanting anybodys pity or anything I'm just saying what has been and continues to be.  Jer's job got put on hold for a bit so he had to go and find a temporary job until his other job is ready for him.  Which was a total God send.  Many people right now have been looking for jobs for month and this one happened to be in the newspaper the week we started looking.  Jeremy basically was hired the day of his interview, everything fell into place after that.  Amazing!!!  God sure knows how to answer prayers right when they needed to be answered.
I've started up my sewing machine again, I'm going to take a stab at it again.  I haven't touched since before Kadie was born.  I'm a perfectionist, if something doesn't go right the first time and it has to go well, then I just give up and not come to back to it for a long time.  Here I am on the same project that I started about 2 years ago but now it's for Kadie not Senaye.  Too funny!  
Thats where life is at right now.  Hopefully I still have some readers out there if not I'm just blabbing to the internet space out there.